Phone:   330-723-7021
Address: 4797 Sharon-Copley Rd

Medina, Ohio 44256
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Five Core Beliefs That Identify Us

The Promise Of Faith

Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.

For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Five Core Beliefs of Disciples Congregations

What are the core values of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)? In other words, what special convictions define us? The difference between a core value and a "regular" value is like the difference between the hubcaps and the transmission of your car. One is nice to have, but the other really helps the auto function. What are those elements without which we'd not be who we are? I'm not talking about things like the way we Disciples love to eat, for example, No, these core values run even deeper. For us, five-core values stand out.

1Our belief in the Lordship of Jesus Christ
and our soul stipulation that a member of its movement confess this and accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Beyond this sole test of fellowship, we do not put belief requirements on people. Beyond this one essential conviction, beliefs will differ, and we will accept one another without insisting that all agree. This kind of inclusiveness defines us.

2Our celebration of an open Lord's table.
We celebrate this feast weekly, and no human can bar any other human from participation. It is Christ's table, He is the host, we are all simply His guests. The hospitality that characterizes the Lord's Table is, we pray, true of every part of life.

3The ministry of all believers
We don't limit ministry to the ordained. All of us are called to ministry at our baptisms. All are called to represent Jesus Christ to the world. All of us have a vocation of servant-leadership. No one is absolved of this call.

4The love of unity
We have long carried this in our pursuit of Christian unity. Our founders made this a clear vocational call of this movement. Yet we are called to be uniters, not dividers, of all God's created order. So let us build a united church, yes, but let us also work for a united human community as well.

5The justice of God
Abraham Lincoln said, "I tremble when I realize that we serve a just god." God's justice roots in the truth that God is creator of everything, non-human as well as human. Therefore, if we are going to be faithful to God, we treat every person and every thing as being precious to God. Wouldn't this make a difference in the way we live our lives? Wouldn't it revolutionize our stewardship of money, time, talent, relationships, war and peace and everything else in life? Ultimate justice belongs only to God.

How To Contact Us

Phone: 330-723-7021


Address: 4797 Sharon Copley Rd

Medina, Ohio 44256

Sunday Worship

Sunday Worhsip

9:45 AM

Weekly Sunday Schedule

Adult Sunday School: 8:30 AM

Coffee Cafe: 9:15 AM

Coffee Cafe: 11:00 AM

Sunday School all ages: 11:00 AM