All Are Welcome

First Christian Church of Medina welcomes you. Our congregation is a part of a larger fellowship known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). A significant part of our heritage is the conviction that the Church of Christ should be united in the common cause of the Gospel. As a result of this guiding principle, we have been leaders in movements which seek out methods of union and partnership with other Christians.
We recognize that there is a great diversity within the Christian Tradition regarding belief and practice, and we see this as a strength of our Faith. Within our own congregation we acknowledge that our personal encounters with God are unique, and we can thus learn something from each other, enriching our greater understanding of the God we serve. We affirm the Biblical witness as a revelation of God’s Divine and loving action on behalf of the human family. We see the New Testament as a foundation for determining the structure of a church government and for outlining the faithful response of every Christian to God’s redemptive work in Jesus Christ. .
Individual Freedom

Each person has a right to go to the scriptures and determine for him or her self what God is calling us to become as children who have been adopted by grace. These beliefs are informed and shaped by the traditions of the Church and the norms of the faith community. Through our confession of faith in Jesus as the Son of God and our baptism into the body of Christ we become members of the Church and accept our mission to witness to God’s continuing presence in the world around us. This commission also calls us to be concerned about issues of social justice and the care of all the people and things God has created.